Our love of music keeps us on the road meeting new people, having passion driven conversations, and learning. We truly wouldn’t trade this season of meeting small business owners and creative people. We never knew it would open the doors it has. Zach and I have talked many times on late night drives of how we should always be open to experiences when we’re pursuing the things we love. We were reminded of those conversations when we walked into Foster’s Place Restaurant & Pub.




Zach has played a few shows recently in a town called Pickton, TX. We were unsure of our expectations as we drove to what seemed like the middle of nowhere, only to pull into a full parking lot next to a lively building surrounded by patio lights. Immediately the emotions in our car became excited for a fun night.



Everything about Foster’s Place Restaurant and Pub is friendly and cozy. Everyone seems to know everyone and that friendliness radiates throughout the room. Birthdays are shared and craft beer is served. Tables were ordering wings left and right, but we enjoyed a big serving of fresh oven pizza. Between the pizza and Zach Maberry music, I’d say it’s now one of our favorite places and we can’t wait to return! If you’re in East Texas, Foster’s Place is definitely a must.







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